Photo competition with college art students
Oxford City Council gave art students at Activate Learning a professional brief to supply photography of the Oxford West End area. The college wanted students to develop their portfolios to support them in their future careers. The opportunity helped raise young people’s awareness of changes planned in the area around their campus. They learnt about regeneration and shared their perspectives.
The brief asked students to capture the positives of Oxford city centre and the West End area and represent the values and features that will be important in the future.
In December 2022 students toured around the West End areas and learnt about future developments. Local students shared their creative stories through their camera lens.
An award ceremony with the prizes was on 1st of March 2023 and was followed by a highlights tour around the Town Hall & Museum of Oxford.
The following independent local businesses from Oxford city centre sponsored this competition:
London Camera Exchange
Wicked Chocolate from The Covered Market
A selection of photos from the top three winners.

By Shanelle Walters, Activate Learning College

By Shanelle Walters, Activate Learning College

“Train” by Eloise, Activate Learning College

“Party night” by Danny Starughan, Activate Learning College

“Flavour” by Danny Starughan, Activate Learning College